PHARMASEA team partecipated at AquaticPollutants Final Conference: “For a healthy aquatic environment”
On October 22nd and 23rd, Frankfurt hosted the Final Conference of the Research Projects funded under the Aquatic-Pollutants 2020 Joint Call aimed to discuss the outcomes of the funded projects research on ” Trace contaminants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the water cycle – from source to mouth – and their impact on human health”.
During the event, PHARMASEA project coordinator Professor Francesco Regoli shared the research activities and significant results achieved by the PHARMASEA team over the course of the project.
A poster session was organized by AquaticPollutant team for giving the opportunity of PhD students to present their research finding and show the scientific contributions they have carried out over the project years. The conference also provided an excellent opportunity for the PHARMASEA team to showcase, at the ‘Knowledge Transfer Booth,’ the two board games designed for dissemination activities aimed at raising citizens awareness about pharmaceutical pollution.