In the XXVII edition of the “Ciencia na Rúa” the UDC team explains to citizens the problems associated with the presence of pharmaceuticals in the sea.
Every year the first Saturday of May different schools, organizations and researcher groups of the A Coruña area explain science to everyone who wants to go to the “Ciencia na Rúa” (Science in the Street). The event took place the 5th of May in the Santa Margarita Park where the group “Applied Analytical Chemistry” (QANAP) of the University of A Coruña went to talk about environmental problems such as air, water and field pollution. Pharmaceuticals in the environment was one of the topics discussed in the event where an interactive poster aware people about their occurrence in the environment and their effects in the ecosystems. The best place to inform citizens about the Pharmasea results in the local area. It was a great opportunity to encourage children, young people and adults to protect the environment and to show them how wonderful is the world of Science.