The PHARMASEA team attended the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) EUROPE 33rd annual meeting (Dublin) with several platform and poster presentations
From 30 April to 4 May 2023, the 33rd SETAC Europe annual meeting took place in Dublin and the PHARMASEA consortium met to share the data and knowledge gained during this year’s project with the scientific community.
UNIVPM team contribute with an oral presentation of a study entitled “Molecular, biochemical and cellular effects of single and combined pharmaceuticals in Mytilus galloprovincialis” (Dr. Marica Mezzelani) and a poster entitled “Ecotoxicological impact of environmental pharmaceuticals and their mixtures” (Dr. Michela Panni).
UHEI team presented two posters entitled “Psychoactive drugs alter behavior in non-target species -colin movements as a sensitive endpoint for neurotoxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos” (Dr. Maria Fisher) and ” The zebrafish embryo – an alternative to mammalian teratogenicity tests in assessing effects of pharmaceuticals?” (Dr. Katarina Brotzmann and Prof. Thomas Braunbeck).
UiS team contribute with an oral presentation of a work entitled “One health approach for evaluating presence and effect of pharmaceuticals discharged via wastewater treatment plants in the marine environment” (Prof. Daniela M. Pampanin) and two posters: “Effects of amnitriptyline and metabolite nortriptyline on eye development in Danio rerio” (Dr. Marwin Jafari) and “Effect of environmentally-relevant concentrations of diclofenac, ciprofloxacin and their binary mixture on Mytilus edulis fertility potential” (Dr. Shannen Keyser).
UDC team presented a poster entitled “Development of a multi residue method for the determination of pharmaceutical products in seawater” (Dr. Jorge Lejo-Santiago).
IEO-CSIC team participated with an oral presentation of a study entitled “Biological effects of simultaneous and separated exposure of mussels to citalopram/benzafibrate and polyethilene microplastics in seawater” (Dr. Maria del Mar Garcìa Pimentel) and two posters: “Biological responses in digestive gland of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) exposed to citalopram/benzafibrate and polyethilene microplastics in seawater” and “Biological effects of simultaneous and separated exposure of mussels to citalopram/benzafibrate and polyethilene microplastics in seawater” (Dr. Maria del Mar Garcìa Pimentel).
For the Consortium it was also an excellent opportunity to officially launch the new survey relating to stakeholders called “pharmaceuticals in our environment”. In fact, one of PHARMASEA project aims is to increase general awareness though the communication and the connection with private and public stakeholder.