The PHARMASEA-related results were presented at SETAC Congress in Seville as oral presentation and three posters
The PhD student Marwin Jafari of Stavanger team presented in the scientific session: “Fish Model Species in Human and Environmental Toxicology” a study on a large investigation integrating transcriptomic changes with eye structure and function of zebrafish embryos after exposure to tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline and nortriptyline.
While the PhD Maria del Mar García Pimentel from the Spanish Instituto Español de Oceanografía – IEO presented two contributions as posters titled
- “Seasonal concentrations of organic contaminants of legacy and emerging concern on plastic polymers deployed on the Galician coast” in collaboration with the Universidade da Coruña
- “In vitro effects of pharmaceuticals, plastic additives, and their mixtures at environmentally relevant concentrations on fish liver cell line” in collaboration with the University of Stavanger