Mid-term evaluation by Aquatic-Pollutants ERANET: “Progress of the scientific activities and dissemination of results are impressive. PHARMASEA project will already be making a difference”
Last June PHARMASEA project coordinator Prof. Francesco Regoli presented main activities and results from our project at the Aquatic Pollutants mid-term evaluation meeting of the Research projects founded within the Aquatic-Pollutants 2020 Joint Call.
We are very proud that according to the reviewers, , the PHARMASEA project after only a year and a half “has made impressive progress towards achieving the set objectives, working both in the development and adaptation of methods for the detection of drugs in different environmental matrices and in ecotoxicological development at different levels of organization and trophic levels within the marine ecosystem”.
The report, above all, praises how efficient the PHARMASEA consortium has been in disseminating the results, both academic and stakeholder audiences from the general public to high-level policymakers as well as the pharmaceutical industry.
The comment of these evaluation gives us the energy to work even harder to try to make a difference in raising awareness among policy makers and the public about the issue of pharmaceuticals in the marine environment.