Sampling activities for the UNIVPM team have begun: three areas characterized by different environmental and anthropogenic pressures in the Northern, Central and Southern Adriatic Sea have been selected.
On 3rd February 2022 the UNIVPM team started the winter period sampling activities in Adriatic Sea.
Activities included the collection of water and sediment samples in the Ancona harbor area which receive the outfall of the urban wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).
Other sampling activities will be carried out in the Comacchio Lagoons (North Adriatic Sea), a coastal area close to the Po River Delta considered to be of national relevance as environmental source of land-based compounds to the Adriatic Sea, and the Marine Protected Area of the Tremiti Islands (South Adriatic Sea), considered as pristine site.
Thanks to local fishermen, fish species of commercial interest belonging to different trophic levels will also be collected from the same areas.